For the first time, NASA's solar vehicle 'touched' the sun

Songbad Weekly 24 English:

For the first time, NASA's solar vehicle has entered the solar system. Scientists announced at a meeting of the American Geophysical Union on Tuesday that the Parker solar vehicle had entered the solar corona named Corona. The news agency AP has given this information in a report.

Scientists say the spacecraft crashed into the Parker Corona in April this year. The information that Parker collected at that time has so far reached the hands of scientists.

Johns Hopkins University scientist Nur Raufi called the incident "surprisingly exciting."

Scientists said that NASA's solar vehicle Parker started its journey from the earth to the sun in 2016. NASA scientists said on Tuesday that it has reached the closest point to the sun. NASA says no vehicle has ever been so close to the sun. Parker has been able to gather information by entering the Sun's orbit.

Scientists say that when Parker reached the Sun's corona, the heat was two million kelvins. That is, there was a temperature of 19 lakh 99 thousand 628 point five degrees Celsius. In that heat, Parker collected information inside the corona at a speed of one hundred kilometers per second.

According to NASA scientists, Parker has entered the Sun's ring at least three times. Scientists estimate that the vehicle will enter the Sun's ring ten times in all. Parker will continue his campaign until 2025.

According to Raufi, the corona is more dusty than previously thought. Future research into Parker's corona will help scientists better understand the origins of solar wind, he said. The data sent by Parker is expected to shed light on how the sun manages the entire solar system.

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